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[手办模型] HOT TOYS《Star Wars: The Force Awakens!》 First Order Stormtrooper Officer

发表于 2015-11-28 22:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Star Wars: TFA 1/6th scale First Order Stormtrooper Officer
We are less than a month away from the release of the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Force Awakens! In this exciting new film, the First Order has enlisted Stormtroopers equipped with sleek armor and powerful weapons to enforce its will across the galaxy.
Today, Hot Toys is delighted to expand the First Order army once again and officially present the new 1/6th scale First Order Stormtrooper Officer collectible figure.
The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of First Order Stormtrooper Officer in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It features the sleekly designed Stormtrooper armor and helmet, the red pauldron that indicates the rank of officer, highly detailed blaster rifle with extended stock, a blaster pistol, and a hexagonal figure stand with the First Order’s emblem!
今次推出的這款是根據《星球大戰:原力覺醒》官方 “First Order Stormtrooper Officer” 的設定進行製作,紅色的肩膊護甲是其獨有的特色,突顯出其軍官的身分。其裝甲設計與First Order Stormtrooper造型一致,貫徹經典黑白色主調,設計造型比以往更簡潔及工整。整套裝甲結構經細緻打造,突出裝甲設計的流線感,
First Order Stormtrooper Officer人偶約30cm高,特別配備一個偵測望遠鏡、一把鐳射長槍及一把鐳射手槍,而當中的鐳射手槍會內置磁石,方便裝置到Stormtrooper Officer右方的大腿裝甲上,完整呈現其專用的武器,輕易還原電影原作中的設定。



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